Council Charter

McHenry County Gravel Advisory Council Charter

(Revisions Adopted April 27, 2010)

I. Purpose

To provide a forum for the county, townships and municipalities to discuss mine-related issues impacting their communities. This forum will also provide an educational and informational platform for industry and government to communicate concerns, solutions, and positive contributions while fostering a cooperative growth environment as neighbors living and working together.

II. Representation

The chief elected official of each of the local units of government listed below and the chief corporate official of each aggregate producing company will be entitled to appoint one delegate to the Advisory Council:

  • Townships: All townships within McHenry County.

  • Municipalities: All municipalities within McHenry County.

  • Aggregate producers: All companies with mining operations within McHenry County and their industry representative.

  • McHenry County: McHenry County Board.

In addition, McHenry County government may provide appropriate staff members to attend Council meetings.

As specific issues arise, members may be called upon to provide appropriate technical personnel to facilitate council discussions relative to their areas of expertise. The members will make these personnel available upon request, with adequate notice.

No member shall purport to represent the Advisory Council unless authorized to do so with prior approval of the Advisory Council.

III. Meeting Frequency

The Advisory Council meetings will be held semi-annually or more often as needed.

IV. Complaint Process

The Advisory Council will maintain a complaint process committing the county, townships, municipalities and aggregate producers to a structured relationship that will allow for the resolution of issues, public education, and long-term cooperation. The goal of this complaint process is to create an environment of coexistence through communication.

To facilitate this process, each aggregate producer will appoint a mine official or employee designated to receive and resolve citizen complaints relating to a specific mining operation. Each aggregate producer shall provide the Advisory Council with the name, address, phone, fax and e-mail address for this individual.

The complaint process established by the Advisory Council will:

  • Identify and enhance existing complaint processes utilized by the county, townships and municipalities to resolve issues relating to aggregate producers.

  • Discuss complaints received by local units of government relating to aggregate producers and seek an amicable resolution of each complaint.

  • Monitor resolution of the complaint by including it as a meeting agenda item until such time as a majority of members present at a regularly scheduled meeting agree that the complaint has been effectively resolved.

V. Co-Chair and Agenda Responsibility

Townships, municipalities, and the county (government group) will provide one co-chair while the aggregate producers (aggregate group) will provide the other co-chair position of the Advisory Council. Each co-chair will serve on a two-year basis with the government group co-chair elected in even numbered years beginning in 2010 and the aggregate group co-chair elected in odd numbered years beginning in 2011. Each group will select their co-chair representative at the first meeting held during their designated even or odd year for election.

The co-chairpersons will be responsible for the preparation and mailing of the meeting agenda to Council members ten (10) days in advance of the upcoming meeting. The issues to be addressed at each Advisory Council meeting will be clearly specified in the meeting agenda so that the council members involved are able to develop an action plan that responds to these concerns. The co-chairpersons will also insure that the meeting and discussions are facilitated in a fashion that is equitable, efficient, and productive.

VI. Public Meetings

The Council meetings are open to the press and the general public. The aggregate producers recognize that educational and informational meetings will need to be held with the general public from time to time. The Advisory Council will coordinate the format, agenda, and logistics for these meetings. Public comments will be accepted at the beginning of each meeting and will be limited to three minutes for each speaker.

VII. Meeting Facility

Advisory Council Meetings will be held at the location specified in the agenda.

VIII. Charter Amendments

Amendments to this Charter will be proposed at a regularly scheduled meeting then distributed to the Advisory Council members prior to a vote of approval at the next meeting. Changes to the Charter must be approved by a majority of the members present at a meeting in order to take effect.